Sunday, March 21, 2010

Do we really need borders in our hearts?

Why do people get uptight and sensitive when they have to talk about their country? I am an Indian, I love India but I love US as much, why cant one person love two countries the same? I definitely don't deserve to be the US president just like Sonia Gandhi doesn't deserve to be the Prime minister of India. Why do many people try really hard to cover up the bad of their country when the exposure may actually help in the development of the country. Why will I be considered patriotic only if I talk great about India? Why cant everyone accept the pros and cons of their country and actually do something about it rather than cover up all the cons with a big thick blanket? If we actually accept other countries cultures and life, I think we may after all have more peace in this world.

The easiest examples are right in our movies. All Indian movies talk about how awesome an Indian woman is and how much we respect women in our country but the truth is, women cant walk late in the night alone without somebody trying to sexually harass them. Just because Indian movies talk about how Indian women will always say no to sex before marriage doesn't mean having sex before marriage is bad. Just because an yellow thread is tied around a woman's neck doesn't mean she is ready for sex and When Slum dog millionaire was released, at least 50% of Indians were aghast that the movie only showed the poverty in India and ignored the rich and the famous... Everyone from Amitabh Bachan to Shoba De talked about how foreigners cant see beyond the poverty of India and termed it as a typical 'poor boy falls in love with a girl' story. Why would they show the rich people in India when the film is about a poor kid and what are these people complaining about? What are all these people so worried about? That the facts about India are shown on onscreen to the world or all the rich folks would have to tell their foreign friends that even though all these things happen in India, they would rather ignore it since it happens only to the poor people and they are safe to spend all their money on designer wear or a new car?

Also, why do some of the Indian film industry biggies try to belittle the Oscars? Our film awards are the most biased and power based and almsot never recognize the good movies/actors/actresses. Even the national awards like padmabushan, padmashri are given to the non-deserving actors. Saif Ali Khan, I agree is a good actor but giving him a padmashri at the same time as Rekha is by far the most ridiculous thing I heard this year. Rekha is an amazing actress and she has been in the industry for a long time now but she is bestowed with this honor now? Along with Saif ali khan? What else can I say?

I really love the scene in Swades where Shahrukh talks about how we can be a great country but we are not there yet, we have our culture and traditions and so does every other country. Belittling other countries saying they have no culture just shows how insecure we are of ourselves. Saying a woman is of no character/a slut if she has sex before marriage is ignorance at its highest point. So if a woman has sex right after there's a yellow thread around her neck or a ring on her finger, what does that make her? A religious slut? Doesn't it sound stupid? Isn't marriage just a celebration of love? Should two people be any less committed if they are not married?

And then there's the superior and inferior complexes between different countries, most people think they are inferior to some countries and superior to some countries. I have seen many Indians feel for some reason they are inferior to Americans but superior to Mexicans or other south Americans which never for the life of me made sense. There was a girl I knew who kissed ass with Americans but was really bitchy with some south American friends I knew, that was totally Fucking wrong! I am not saying Indians are the only people like this, I have seen many people act different with me and look down on me just because I am an Indian.

Every instance I go so far as talk about the basic problems in India before a foreigner, the Indian next to me would immediately get angry and starts to look at me like a traitor. I really believe to actually be a cool person, you have to travel to another country... learn their customs and culture... only exposure to a lot of different views gives you a chance to develop your personality and change from 'who you are' to 'who you want to be'. But how hard is it to accept other people's cultures, views... although they maybe different doesn't always mean they are wrong. How hard is to be a good person (atleast an average person) in this world and how hard is it to be a broadminded person? I am an Indian and a patriotic one I believe but I am ready to accept the wrong in the country I was born in, I do hope to get a chance someday soon and be rich enough to help the weak in India.

Just more of my ramblings, really wish I can change the world with my words. Do something, anything for the orphans and the homeless people. When will I ever get a chance?

1 comment:

  1. Your blog consisted of alot of India bashing. Are you upset with the way the country is or how the movies portray India? Every country has their own faults. U.S. has a lot of fatherless kids due to irresponsible premarital sex. I don't agree with arranged marriages. I do think you don't have to be married to have sex either. You should just be a responsible being and ready to accept the consequences. You should only be with the one you love. People from your country probably get mad when you talk negative is either because they love their country and plan on returning soon or don't want to hear the truth. Good luck on your changing the world and on helping the orphans/homeless. Overall you expressed your opinions very well.
