Thursday, September 16, 2010

God vs Religion

This was my first post in my old blog and always happened to my favorite.

I write, not to change the perceptions of other people but to give a platform to my thoughts, how insignificant/inconsequential they may be, they are still thoughts of a human being who has the courage to think beyond the limits and live a life beyond the boundaries.What would be a more apt subject to talk about than the existence/presence of something, which has been with me through everything in my life till now and whose existence I can maybe understand only after death. GOD, which in itself sounds so weird... I have my days where I seem to understand everything about God and then days, where the thought of God seems so absurd and yet believable.

I am not here to discuss the existence of God, I may someday write a different blog for that. I am just going to write about "God vs Religion", the topic I can never get out of my mind.

God, in itself is soooooooooooooooo vast and eternal, I never understood why we would want to push him into a small space called "Religion". A religion is what defames God, makes him feel SMALL, makes people "God fearing" rather than "God loving". Our forefathers created religion to tame human beings, not to create differences between people. Back in the beginning of human life, people didn't know the difference between right and wrong, and so the rules and principles started. I am sure it was a SINE graph, in the beginning just the basic rules and then gradually they grew into steadfast, unpractical LAWS which existed only to suppress the weak. And now again, these laws are slowly changing back into the basic rules in some parts of the world while it remains the same or gets worse in other parts of the world. Every person needs a little religion in life, me too ;) but not to bottle up dreams and principles about life but to tame one's life. Religions, instead of bringing the world together... is building barriers between people. Which religion really asks people to kill innocent human beings? Crazy people, encouraged by even more crazier people, kill kids, innocent weak human beings to satisfy their thirst for power maybe... I don't know what, but it is cruel as hell.

There are two countries, India and Pakistan, fighting over a beautiful state for years and years, and in their ridiculous war, thousands of people have died, property was destroyed, everything was lost but they still won't stop. And the only difference between these two countries where the people look almost the same... India legally is a secular country while Pakistan is more a Muslim country. Then there are the terrorists who got nothing better to do than send out warnings to everyone in the world at the smallest provocation and actually, put all these warnings into action! What is the objective of religion??? To kill??? To shed blood for a noble cause is valiant but to wring out blood from innocent people for nothing is outrageous.

Hinduism preaches that women in a certain period of time cannot come to temples, cannot worship God. This is one of the most ridiculous rules a religion has stated. How can something which she can't help with make her pure or impure, something which God, itself has created??? If this is what really God really wants, then I would rather stay a nonbeliever (better, opposer of God) and burn in hell than worship it. This particular religion has started off well but soon the power seeking individuals turned it into a mockery of human existence by making rules which suppressed everyone that is weak, including the women, the normal hard working humans, the only people who have an advantage in this religion are the priests and their families, and the royal families. This religion works on caste and gender basis. And funny, how all of them breathe the same air, drink the same water, eat the same food, have the same cravings, everything is the same, only their births are different.This isn't the only religion which has blemishes. EVERY religion has its own flaws and its own beauty. It all depends on what we choose to believe in.

I hate the negative followers of a religion and not the religion. Like, I hate it that Hindus believe in caste system, gender discrimination and use religion to hate other people. I hate all these so called Hindu organizations sue anyone and everyone who say or do one thing against hindusim... Duh! Where is democracy if you cant say what you want to? I hate it that Christians are hypocrites and believe that people who don't follow Jesus will go to hell... I especially hate Indian Christians who will use financial benefits to make people convert into their religion, worse use resources like water to convert people into Christianity. I hate Muslims (like many other people) who use religion as an excuse to kill people and who have no idea what "Freedom" to anything (including Speech, Religion) means!

I would never say don't follow religions, to everyone... its their own way of life! But how about not shoving your religious ideas in other people's faces? I don't want to see in my Facebook Newsfeed, what God you pray to and how much you love your God, I just don't care! Let other people choose their own path of life as long as they are not hurting/bothering other human beings.

I just remembered this amazing scene in "The Matrix: Revolutions" where Agent Smith keeps asking Neo, "Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Yes? No? Could it be for love? .........It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?" and Neo says "Because I choose to"."What we are is what we choose"

P.S - Think beyond the man made boundaries and you will understand the essence of life.


For years and years, I have been fascinated by tattoos and considered it an art. So, I did it... I got a lion tattoo on my right shoulder just two days before I turned 25. Hemu, my friend and I searched online for hours and hours for the perfect lion tattoo and she found one which was perfect for me, a little naughty and a little ferocious. Oh, Why a lion? I always thought a lion is the best animal to represent me, laidback, ferocious, playful... and also me being a leo. And all the letters represent all my favorite people in the world. As you can see, Hemu's name came at the top. Well, the whole experience was amazing... we went from one tattoo studio to another until we found the best. Its called "No Regrets", voted the best tattoo parlor by Phoenix magazine and a really nice guy called 'Alex' was the artist. Hemu was there with me trying to be strong for me but all the while squirming. Thanks to Alex, It wasn't even half as painful or uncomfortable I thought it would be. Well, I had a big smile when it was over and I am very very happy with it. I can't wait to get the next one done, maybe a 'Om' on my heart.

Schedule in life

Well, it has been an awful long time since I wrote anything here. Not that anybody is keeping tabs on my blog, I have to beg even my bestfriend to write a few comments for my blog and she keeps saying "SOON".

Friday nights seem to bring out the hyper happy side with all the binge drinking in some people.

BTW, Did anyone watch "The Hangover"? If that's not funny, I dont know what is. Absolutely, the most hilarious movie I have ever seen. Well, I already watched it twice, can't wait to see it one more time in theater and can't wait for the DVD so that I can watch the deleted scenes too. Well, watch it and enjoy it...

Melissa's role in the movie was funny but in the end when Stu says, "Sometimes you should let a guy do whatever he wants to do" (or something on those lines)... I loved it. Why do one partner have to change their entire lifestyle, their clothes and their friends just to make the other one happy and why can't people accept other human beings as they are. The funny part is, some people will choose someone totally different from how they always wanted their life partner to be and then they expect them to change completely, which is just bullshit. Ofcourse, in every relationship there will be compromises, there will be changes but it should all happen naturally because both of them want their life to be that way, not because of the dominating partner's wishes/desires.

Almost all the guys I met until now are under a tight leash by their girlfriends/fiances/wives about their drinking/smoking habits and they are supposed to stop drinking right after their marriage. WHIPPED! And the funny part is guys actually like it that their women to nag them about their lifestyle (well, atleast before marriage). If he is turning into an alcoholic, trying to control him and getting some professional help makes sense but saying he should never ever drink just seems really bitchy.

Again, does anyone like Marilyn Manson? I think I met only one person until now who like Marilyn Manson's songs like I do and everytime I mention his name, people look at me like they just saw a demon. Well "The dope show", Disposable Teens", "Beautiful People" are just the most beautiful songs ever. Anyone out there who would agree to that?

Well, I will add more to this... Just more random thoughts out of my head!


As a girl, why am I supposed to absolutely love cooking? Why can't I just love playing video games? Why can't I love watching "Family guy"? Why can't I love "Marilyn Manson's" music? Why should I love cooking or the color "pink" (Yewwwwwwwww!) or want to be a housewife or want to be a cleanliness freak or diet? Why am I not allowed to make mistakes once in a while or want to live life the way I want to? Why should I be perfect and be a "HOMELY" girl (Whatever that means)? Why should I want to wake up early in the morning? Why should I be scared of a thunder or a rat and scream out loud? And most of all, why am I supposed to feel incomplete if I don't get married? Ofcourse, I would feel lonely without love in my life but it wouldn't shrink my spirit. I have had some amazing experiences in life which can last me a lifetime.

I was asked a question recently, if your husband has all the money in the world and he just asks you to sit at home rather than work, wouldn't you just do that? I thought about it and it just didn't seem fulfilling! (If we have so much money, then I don't have to do any domestic work but) I would still want to do a job, I want to feel proud of myself, I want to do something and at the end of the day feel I have achieved something... It doesn't have to pay me a lot but something I can use my brains for, something I will feel stressed about, something I am part of other than my home! I don't know why even now guys want a woman to have their whole life be revolving around the husband, kitchen and home! He has a right to go out and work but she is supposed to sit at home and cook for him whole day?

I am passionate about everything, everything I do is a feeling from my heart. Long back, I realized I wanted to adopt children rather than give birth to children, atleast have one of each. I can't promise anything now but hopefully this blog will remind me forever and I will adopt kids at the right time. There are millions of orphans in this world who need love in their life, who wants someone to take care of them, support them and push them. People for some reason go to extreme pains to have kids and think a child can be their son/daughter only if they are born from their own blood. If only all these people decide to adopt these amzing children and give them the same love as they would to their own children, how different life would be.

I am sure there are a lot of girls out there who feel exactly the same way as I do and there are more girls who think I am an ass to talk like this and there will be a lot of guys who are thinking whoever marries this girl is doomed or she will never get married... Hehehe! I am sure all you guys are just those ignorant-literate guys (You know what I mean) and all the girls who think I am an ass, I don't even like you... so, who cares!

Lost Talent

Where does talent come from and where does it all go away when a person dies? I am sure everyone agrees with me when I say that some people are just born smarter than other people. Is it genes? Scientists may have discovered that genetic factors actually influence intelligence ( But... But... But... Why should only a handful of people be given the gift to think better and do better than another person? Why not everyone, why can't a person choose his own levels in wit, beauty and other things? Ofcourse, we put it all on God saying he does everything for a reason but what exactly is the REASON??

And what would happen when this person develops a disorder or a mental disease or stress that wouldn't let him/her use their brain anymore? All their life they knew what they can do and these people would let everything including marriage, children, life go into ruins just to quench their thirst of doing a thing (most of these brilliant people dont do it for money or for fame... they just do it because along with the gift of intelligence comes the responsibility of feeding it, taking more puzzles to keep their brain in motion... once they don't have a puzzle or a job... they feel restless, frustrated)... What happens when you can't do it anymore? What happens when your brain doesn't want to take any more puzzles? What do you do? You can't go back to family or friends because in this quest you have pushed everyone away! You have no life... What would you do? I am not saying they are unhappy during their life, they maybe miserable but they love solving puzzles, completing a project.................................... but what happens after that?

Some of them are lucky... they get married to a perfect partner who would be there for them no matter what and know how to handle them... The rest?

"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know" Ernest Hemingway, who took his own life in 1961

Kiss Controversy

Ok, Richard Gere came to India for AIDS awareness gave three tiny pecks to Shilpa shetty... No, nobody will remember the fact that Richard Gere came all the way to India to help the country in creating an awareness about a very dreadful disease... He kisses (The way he kissed her is so not considered a kiss anywhere, not even between Indians) a woman to greet her and some asshole for popularity or whatever files a case against them... WTF!!! I can't believe that the judicial system even entertains fucking bastards like this guy.

And as everyone observed, it came close after the controversy of Liz Hurley's marriage. Poor girl, she was getting married to an indian, so decided to have a celebration the indian way and now has to go to court for various weird reasons... The law clearly states that "deliberate and malicious act" against any religion is illegal but not something unintentional and clearly for a girl who grew up outside India who doesn't know all of the traditions... Ya, she drank alchohol, if it was an indian guy who drank alchohol, nobody would raise a finger... They kissed before cameras, oh yeah, showing to the world they love each other is a big mistake (they weren't doing serious stuff which BTW you can see in every park anywhere in the country by our own indians)...

And why did they make such a big ruckus about the movie "Water", who can deny the fact that all these things happen in India? If these men had it their way, they would still practice Sati and make all women their slaves.

And ofcourse, now everyone has a big problem with the kiss in Dhoom 2, its ok for the actress to show off her body in movies but a kiss, aah, its taboo... I am very ashamed to hear all these stupid controversies about India... Nobody seemed to care when in all those old movies women were showed as slaves to their husbands... These are all movies, if people want to watch it, they will... its the audience to decide, and who are these roadside loafers to sue these people or their movies...

God help India from Indians!!!

Movies I hate

Now, a list of all movies I hate...

All of Karan Johar/Aditya Chopra movies ~ Gawd, all they do is blabber in the whole movie about love and traditions in the most boring way..... I have seen Lakshya which has everything in it and Farhan Akthar has mixed all the emotions so interestingly that you will want to see the movie again and again; Definitely not like Tararumpum where you know what's going to happen next and you just wait for the movie to be over just to make sure your guess is right... Some of the most awful movies by this clan ~ Kuch kuch hota hai, Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, Kaal, Kabhi Kushie Kabhi Gham, Dil To Pagal Hai, Mohabbatein and so on... (Ofcourse, I will make Kal Ho Na Ho an exception since Preity is in it, the music is too good to ignore and the director didn't do a bad job ;))

Dhoom, Dhoom 2 ~ Never understood what the big deal was; There are far better movies in english which actually have a good story line with good fight scenes and better races and even more sexier girls (taking Bipasha as an exception who happens to have a very silly role but looked really hot in the movie)... And ofcourse the music; Awh, Dhoom music is ok, actually good... but Dhoom 2... Abba, Let me remind some of the song names Crazy Kiya re, Touch me (Really, hindi movie lyrics have become so pathetic)

Hmmm, Actually if you really think about it almost all of hindi movies are bull-shit... Except for movies like Rang De Basanthi, Movies by Ashutosh Gowriker and Movies by Farhan Akthar; Rakesh Roshan also makes better movies compared to others...

Bollywood is crap!!! The only good thing about hindi movies are the actors/actresses wear very good clothes other than that they have a very poor taste in everything (Kareena, Uday Kapoor, Rani Mukherjee (who is ok but am so bored to see her in the same kind of roles again and again), Vivek Oberoi and many more are just proof of this).

Telugu movies do not fall far behind hindi movies, they are as much bad as these movies but atleast they usually have some good comedy backing up the movie... All of Chiranjeevi's recent movies are awful; That Raghavendra rao is one bad director who made big... only God knows why... In the recent days, most of telugu movies have took a huge step down from quality movies except for directors like Chandrasekhar yeleti, Sekhar Kamula, Krishna Vamsi (just a few movies are good by KV) and ofcourse Ram Gopal Varma (who seems to lose his edge too these days)... Then there are the dubbed movies by Mani Ratnam! Never been a fan of Shankar, he concentrates too much in the "Wow" factor than the story!

Will continue with the list when I have more time....