Thursday, September 16, 2010

To err is human!

"To err is human" - This is one statement has a major contribution in the destruction of the character of almost every human being. Many people forget that this statement is incomplete with the line "To forgive is divine". This idiom was started to insinuate the significance of the 'Forgiveness' in human beings, not to justify all the errors in human beings.

Every mistake done by a person is followed by the line 'To err is human' and that mistake is forgiven/forgotten and in due time, committed again. God...

Of course, every person keeps committing mistakes in life but it shouldn't be justified by thinking that it is a usual process and every person keeps committing these type of mistakes, so its ok to lie, to betray someone, to hurt another person, to steal etc etc etc. No person is perfect, only with experience does any person learn about the truth in life but the problem with people is, nobody wants to learn from their mistakes. They rather look for excuses, stupid reasons to cover up their mistakes. Oof, this human world is sometimes, hmmm, no, not sometimes, almost always, is silly.

Parents themselves teach their children to live in this world by breathing and eating cruelty and deceit. They would justify it by saying that they love their children so much that they don't want their children to get hurt. I definitely understand their desire to see their children happy but they are killing the very innocence that defines a child and making them into a monster. The
child that was born no longer exists. 'Home is where the education starts' and all these kids learn the great ways of stabbing other people in the back, come to school with their lunch boxes - learn more about living life from their teachers (Don't even make me start about those great teachers - they are the main culprits of this stinking society) and by the time they are out of high school, they are experts in buttering up the right persons, suppressing the few remaining innocent people and inventing new ways each day to pull themselves higher up in the 'human' society.

If atleast for one generation, every kid is taught the real values of life... I can only dream of such a world. Ofcourse, there are lots of exceptions. Many people learn about life on their own and try to visualize life beyond the boundaries. But the problem there's a very small percentage of that group in this world and they are not talked about in the newspapers, they aren't interviewed in the television; People who live a life for themselves, they answer all their actions only to themselves; People who know the value of being a human being...

The only reason this tiny percentage of people exist is they have used their own mind and made their own decisions instead of following the fucking society. They drew the lines between right and wrong ~ Listened to their hearts, learnt from their experiences...

I have no last lines for this post, I can never understand this society!!!

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