Thursday, September 16, 2010


The most important ingredient of all relationships - of human existence. Then why is it we don't use this ingredient in all our relationships. We meet atleast one new person every day and it may not turn into a great friendship but some kind of relationship does start, it maybe 'Respect', 'Attraction', 'Dislike' or whatever but still some kind of impression originates in our tiny little heart for a person,

But what about trust??? For most of the people, it takes not just days, months but years to trust someone. Why is it? There were days when people believed in 'Honor', 'Truth', 'Self-Integrity' etc but now, all we see are liars and dishonest people. How can we distinguish between them?

I read a story when I was a kid. A great man was going on a journey on a lonely road on his horse and on the way he sees a man lying down on the road calling for help. He stops and climbs down from the horse and when he goes near the sick man, the sick man shows a knife at him (or whatever weapon he had) , robs the man of all his belongings and start to leave on the man's horse. This man calls the robber and asks him for a favour - "Please don't tell what happened here to anyone otherwise someday, a man who really needs help will be left alone since people will believe he is a thief too".

That is one of the most inspiring stories I have ever read. There's a saying "Its ok to set free a 100 murderers but never, ever accuse an innocent person".

I agree that it is hard to follow this moral but isn't it the minimum credit we can give to a honest person who had hit nothing but walls all his life. A dishonest man lives in the shell of a lie and he is so well protected by this hard core shell. A honest person, whose views maybe so unconventional to others but he still exposes himself to these high winds, just because he believes in the truth and society tortures that person, kills everything that is in him, puts him up for judgment.................... When do people start understanding the fact that 'Scandalizing the negative qualities in another person would in no way help them purify their own character'. Gossip, Backbiting, what do they serve in this life???

All my life, I have lived in my own fantasy world of 'Love and Hope'. I do make judgments (I should change that too) but I atleast don't start it off with 'I don't trust you' attitude - This is not to give more opportunities to the dishonest people but as a tribute to the 'decent' group. People don't have to be a 'Mother Theresa' to serve this world but a little decency in life, a little truth, a little humanity. I have seen many of my friends lose trust with the whole of mankind, distrust their own friends... Why? Their innocence had been abused by so many assholes(Sorry but this word does suit them) that they can do nothing but distrust everyone and anyone to protect themselves from getting hurt again and again. You can see me clenching my teeth when I write this blog and so will you if you had been through all this,

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