Thursday, September 16, 2010

Lil Surprises!

At the end of the day its not the big things but those simple things that make us feel content in life. Ofcourse, the big things excite us in life... like getting accepted in our favorite school, getting a promotion, our paper being accepted by some journal... blah, blah, blah!!! But still the simple things in life like Getting a call from someone when we least accept it (Ofcourse, I am talking about people who we would like to talk to, not the other way), Just chit chatting with our best friend about silly things, Eating at our favorite restaurant... More than what we do, I think its the cause/result of the action that actually brings a smile to our faces. Its more like something really big happens in our life and we immediately call/meet our loved ones and tell them about one of the best moments of our life (and we don't even have to think about the time or anything, we know the other person is just as happy as we are about this). And to just imagine that we don't have such a person in our life, it spoils everything... not having anyone to tell about our achievements/loss, that's wat kills the happiness about those so called big things. Ofcourse, we would never know that feeling. We always have all these people around who just seem like they have dedicated their entire lives to us, Our patient parents, our trustworthy friends and many others.

Ofcourse, this blog doesn't mean anything... Just more of my silly thoughts!!! :)

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