Thursday, September 16, 2010

Schedule in life

Well, it has been an awful long time since I wrote anything here. Not that anybody is keeping tabs on my blog, I have to beg even my bestfriend to write a few comments for my blog and she keeps saying "SOON".

Friday nights seem to bring out the hyper happy side with all the binge drinking in some people.

BTW, Did anyone watch "The Hangover"? If that's not funny, I dont know what is. Absolutely, the most hilarious movie I have ever seen. Well, I already watched it twice, can't wait to see it one more time in theater and can't wait for the DVD so that I can watch the deleted scenes too. Well, watch it and enjoy it...

Melissa's role in the movie was funny but in the end when Stu says, "Sometimes you should let a guy do whatever he wants to do" (or something on those lines)... I loved it. Why do one partner have to change their entire lifestyle, their clothes and their friends just to make the other one happy and why can't people accept other human beings as they are. The funny part is, some people will choose someone totally different from how they always wanted their life partner to be and then they expect them to change completely, which is just bullshit. Ofcourse, in every relationship there will be compromises, there will be changes but it should all happen naturally because both of them want their life to be that way, not because of the dominating partner's wishes/desires.

Almost all the guys I met until now are under a tight leash by their girlfriends/fiances/wives about their drinking/smoking habits and they are supposed to stop drinking right after their marriage. WHIPPED! And the funny part is guys actually like it that their women to nag them about their lifestyle (well, atleast before marriage). If he is turning into an alcoholic, trying to control him and getting some professional help makes sense but saying he should never ever drink just seems really bitchy.

Again, does anyone like Marilyn Manson? I think I met only one person until now who like Marilyn Manson's songs like I do and everytime I mention his name, people look at me like they just saw a demon. Well "The dope show", Disposable Teens", "Beautiful People" are just the most beautiful songs ever. Anyone out there who would agree to that?

Well, I will add more to this... Just more random thoughts out of my head!

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