Thursday, September 16, 2010

God vs Religion

This was my first post in my old blog and always happened to my favorite.

I write, not to change the perceptions of other people but to give a platform to my thoughts, how insignificant/inconsequential they may be, they are still thoughts of a human being who has the courage to think beyond the limits and live a life beyond the boundaries.What would be a more apt subject to talk about than the existence/presence of something, which has been with me through everything in my life till now and whose existence I can maybe understand only after death. GOD, which in itself sounds so weird... I have my days where I seem to understand everything about God and then days, where the thought of God seems so absurd and yet believable.

I am not here to discuss the existence of God, I may someday write a different blog for that. I am just going to write about "God vs Religion", the topic I can never get out of my mind.

God, in itself is soooooooooooooooo vast and eternal, I never understood why we would want to push him into a small space called "Religion". A religion is what defames God, makes him feel SMALL, makes people "God fearing" rather than "God loving". Our forefathers created religion to tame human beings, not to create differences between people. Back in the beginning of human life, people didn't know the difference between right and wrong, and so the rules and principles started. I am sure it was a SINE graph, in the beginning just the basic rules and then gradually they grew into steadfast, unpractical LAWS which existed only to suppress the weak. And now again, these laws are slowly changing back into the basic rules in some parts of the world while it remains the same or gets worse in other parts of the world. Every person needs a little religion in life, me too ;) but not to bottle up dreams and principles about life but to tame one's life. Religions, instead of bringing the world together... is building barriers between people. Which religion really asks people to kill innocent human beings? Crazy people, encouraged by even more crazier people, kill kids, innocent weak human beings to satisfy their thirst for power maybe... I don't know what, but it is cruel as hell.

There are two countries, India and Pakistan, fighting over a beautiful state for years and years, and in their ridiculous war, thousands of people have died, property was destroyed, everything was lost but they still won't stop. And the only difference between these two countries where the people look almost the same... India legally is a secular country while Pakistan is more a Muslim country. Then there are the terrorists who got nothing better to do than send out warnings to everyone in the world at the smallest provocation and actually, put all these warnings into action! What is the objective of religion??? To kill??? To shed blood for a noble cause is valiant but to wring out blood from innocent people for nothing is outrageous.

Hinduism preaches that women in a certain period of time cannot come to temples, cannot worship God. This is one of the most ridiculous rules a religion has stated. How can something which she can't help with make her pure or impure, something which God, itself has created??? If this is what really God really wants, then I would rather stay a nonbeliever (better, opposer of God) and burn in hell than worship it. This particular religion has started off well but soon the power seeking individuals turned it into a mockery of human existence by making rules which suppressed everyone that is weak, including the women, the normal hard working humans, the only people who have an advantage in this religion are the priests and their families, and the royal families. This religion works on caste and gender basis. And funny, how all of them breathe the same air, drink the same water, eat the same food, have the same cravings, everything is the same, only their births are different.This isn't the only religion which has blemishes. EVERY religion has its own flaws and its own beauty. It all depends on what we choose to believe in.

I hate the negative followers of a religion and not the religion. Like, I hate it that Hindus believe in caste system, gender discrimination and use religion to hate other people. I hate all these so called Hindu organizations sue anyone and everyone who say or do one thing against hindusim... Duh! Where is democracy if you cant say what you want to? I hate it that Christians are hypocrites and believe that people who don't follow Jesus will go to hell... I especially hate Indian Christians who will use financial benefits to make people convert into their religion, worse use resources like water to convert people into Christianity. I hate Muslims (like many other people) who use religion as an excuse to kill people and who have no idea what "Freedom" to anything (including Speech, Religion) means!

I would never say don't follow religions, to everyone... its their own way of life! But how about not shoving your religious ideas in other people's faces? I don't want to see in my Facebook Newsfeed, what God you pray to and how much you love your God, I just don't care! Let other people choose their own path of life as long as they are not hurting/bothering other human beings.

I just remembered this amazing scene in "The Matrix: Revolutions" where Agent Smith keeps asking Neo, "Why, Mr. Anderson? Why do you do it? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? For more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom? Or truth? Perhaps peace? Yes? No? Could it be for love? .........It's pointless to keep fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist?" and Neo says "Because I choose to"."What we are is what we choose"

P.S - Think beyond the man made boundaries and you will understand the essence of life.


For years and years, I have been fascinated by tattoos and considered it an art. So, I did it... I got a lion tattoo on my right shoulder just two days before I turned 25. Hemu, my friend and I searched online for hours and hours for the perfect lion tattoo and she found one which was perfect for me, a little naughty and a little ferocious. Oh, Why a lion? I always thought a lion is the best animal to represent me, laidback, ferocious, playful... and also me being a leo. And all the letters represent all my favorite people in the world. As you can see, Hemu's name came at the top. Well, the whole experience was amazing... we went from one tattoo studio to another until we found the best. Its called "No Regrets", voted the best tattoo parlor by Phoenix magazine and a really nice guy called 'Alex' was the artist. Hemu was there with me trying to be strong for me but all the while squirming. Thanks to Alex, It wasn't even half as painful or uncomfortable I thought it would be. Well, I had a big smile when it was over and I am very very happy with it. I can't wait to get the next one done, maybe a 'Om' on my heart.

Schedule in life

Well, it has been an awful long time since I wrote anything here. Not that anybody is keeping tabs on my blog, I have to beg even my bestfriend to write a few comments for my blog and she keeps saying "SOON".

Friday nights seem to bring out the hyper happy side with all the binge drinking in some people.

BTW, Did anyone watch "The Hangover"? If that's not funny, I dont know what is. Absolutely, the most hilarious movie I have ever seen. Well, I already watched it twice, can't wait to see it one more time in theater and can't wait for the DVD so that I can watch the deleted scenes too. Well, watch it and enjoy it...

Melissa's role in the movie was funny but in the end when Stu says, "Sometimes you should let a guy do whatever he wants to do" (or something on those lines)... I loved it. Why do one partner have to change their entire lifestyle, their clothes and their friends just to make the other one happy and why can't people accept other human beings as they are. The funny part is, some people will choose someone totally different from how they always wanted their life partner to be and then they expect them to change completely, which is just bullshit. Ofcourse, in every relationship there will be compromises, there will be changes but it should all happen naturally because both of them want their life to be that way, not because of the dominating partner's wishes/desires.

Almost all the guys I met until now are under a tight leash by their girlfriends/fiances/wives about their drinking/smoking habits and they are supposed to stop drinking right after their marriage. WHIPPED! And the funny part is guys actually like it that their women to nag them about their lifestyle (well, atleast before marriage). If he is turning into an alcoholic, trying to control him and getting some professional help makes sense but saying he should never ever drink just seems really bitchy.

Again, does anyone like Marilyn Manson? I think I met only one person until now who like Marilyn Manson's songs like I do and everytime I mention his name, people look at me like they just saw a demon. Well "The dope show", Disposable Teens", "Beautiful People" are just the most beautiful songs ever. Anyone out there who would agree to that?

Well, I will add more to this... Just more random thoughts out of my head!


As a girl, why am I supposed to absolutely love cooking? Why can't I just love playing video games? Why can't I love watching "Family guy"? Why can't I love "Marilyn Manson's" music? Why should I love cooking or the color "pink" (Yewwwwwwwww!) or want to be a housewife or want to be a cleanliness freak or diet? Why am I not allowed to make mistakes once in a while or want to live life the way I want to? Why should I be perfect and be a "HOMELY" girl (Whatever that means)? Why should I want to wake up early in the morning? Why should I be scared of a thunder or a rat and scream out loud? And most of all, why am I supposed to feel incomplete if I don't get married? Ofcourse, I would feel lonely without love in my life but it wouldn't shrink my spirit. I have had some amazing experiences in life which can last me a lifetime.

I was asked a question recently, if your husband has all the money in the world and he just asks you to sit at home rather than work, wouldn't you just do that? I thought about it and it just didn't seem fulfilling! (If we have so much money, then I don't have to do any domestic work but) I would still want to do a job, I want to feel proud of myself, I want to do something and at the end of the day feel I have achieved something... It doesn't have to pay me a lot but something I can use my brains for, something I will feel stressed about, something I am part of other than my home! I don't know why even now guys want a woman to have their whole life be revolving around the husband, kitchen and home! He has a right to go out and work but she is supposed to sit at home and cook for him whole day?

I am passionate about everything, everything I do is a feeling from my heart. Long back, I realized I wanted to adopt children rather than give birth to children, atleast have one of each. I can't promise anything now but hopefully this blog will remind me forever and I will adopt kids at the right time. There are millions of orphans in this world who need love in their life, who wants someone to take care of them, support them and push them. People for some reason go to extreme pains to have kids and think a child can be their son/daughter only if they are born from their own blood. If only all these people decide to adopt these amzing children and give them the same love as they would to their own children, how different life would be.

I am sure there are a lot of girls out there who feel exactly the same way as I do and there are more girls who think I am an ass to talk like this and there will be a lot of guys who are thinking whoever marries this girl is doomed or she will never get married... Hehehe! I am sure all you guys are just those ignorant-literate guys (You know what I mean) and all the girls who think I am an ass, I don't even like you... so, who cares!

Lost Talent

Where does talent come from and where does it all go away when a person dies? I am sure everyone agrees with me when I say that some people are just born smarter than other people. Is it genes? Scientists may have discovered that genetic factors actually influence intelligence ( But... But... But... Why should only a handful of people be given the gift to think better and do better than another person? Why not everyone, why can't a person choose his own levels in wit, beauty and other things? Ofcourse, we put it all on God saying he does everything for a reason but what exactly is the REASON??

And what would happen when this person develops a disorder or a mental disease or stress that wouldn't let him/her use their brain anymore? All their life they knew what they can do and these people would let everything including marriage, children, life go into ruins just to quench their thirst of doing a thing (most of these brilliant people dont do it for money or for fame... they just do it because along with the gift of intelligence comes the responsibility of feeding it, taking more puzzles to keep their brain in motion... once they don't have a puzzle or a job... they feel restless, frustrated)... What happens when you can't do it anymore? What happens when your brain doesn't want to take any more puzzles? What do you do? You can't go back to family or friends because in this quest you have pushed everyone away! You have no life... What would you do? I am not saying they are unhappy during their life, they maybe miserable but they love solving puzzles, completing a project.................................... but what happens after that?

Some of them are lucky... they get married to a perfect partner who would be there for them no matter what and know how to handle them... The rest?

"Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know" Ernest Hemingway, who took his own life in 1961

Kiss Controversy

Ok, Richard Gere came to India for AIDS awareness gave three tiny pecks to Shilpa shetty... No, nobody will remember the fact that Richard Gere came all the way to India to help the country in creating an awareness about a very dreadful disease... He kisses (The way he kissed her is so not considered a kiss anywhere, not even between Indians) a woman to greet her and some asshole for popularity or whatever files a case against them... WTF!!! I can't believe that the judicial system even entertains fucking bastards like this guy.

And as everyone observed, it came close after the controversy of Liz Hurley's marriage. Poor girl, she was getting married to an indian, so decided to have a celebration the indian way and now has to go to court for various weird reasons... The law clearly states that "deliberate and malicious act" against any religion is illegal but not something unintentional and clearly for a girl who grew up outside India who doesn't know all of the traditions... Ya, she drank alchohol, if it was an indian guy who drank alchohol, nobody would raise a finger... They kissed before cameras, oh yeah, showing to the world they love each other is a big mistake (they weren't doing serious stuff which BTW you can see in every park anywhere in the country by our own indians)...

And why did they make such a big ruckus about the movie "Water", who can deny the fact that all these things happen in India? If these men had it their way, they would still practice Sati and make all women their slaves.

And ofcourse, now everyone has a big problem with the kiss in Dhoom 2, its ok for the actress to show off her body in movies but a kiss, aah, its taboo... I am very ashamed to hear all these stupid controversies about India... Nobody seemed to care when in all those old movies women were showed as slaves to their husbands... These are all movies, if people want to watch it, they will... its the audience to decide, and who are these roadside loafers to sue these people or their movies...

God help India from Indians!!!

Movies I hate

Now, a list of all movies I hate...

All of Karan Johar/Aditya Chopra movies ~ Gawd, all they do is blabber in the whole movie about love and traditions in the most boring way..... I have seen Lakshya which has everything in it and Farhan Akthar has mixed all the emotions so interestingly that you will want to see the movie again and again; Definitely not like Tararumpum where you know what's going to happen next and you just wait for the movie to be over just to make sure your guess is right... Some of the most awful movies by this clan ~ Kuch kuch hota hai, Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna, Kaal, Kabhi Kushie Kabhi Gham, Dil To Pagal Hai, Mohabbatein and so on... (Ofcourse, I will make Kal Ho Na Ho an exception since Preity is in it, the music is too good to ignore and the director didn't do a bad job ;))

Dhoom, Dhoom 2 ~ Never understood what the big deal was; There are far better movies in english which actually have a good story line with good fight scenes and better races and even more sexier girls (taking Bipasha as an exception who happens to have a very silly role but looked really hot in the movie)... And ofcourse the music; Awh, Dhoom music is ok, actually good... but Dhoom 2... Abba, Let me remind some of the song names Crazy Kiya re, Touch me (Really, hindi movie lyrics have become so pathetic)

Hmmm, Actually if you really think about it almost all of hindi movies are bull-shit... Except for movies like Rang De Basanthi, Movies by Ashutosh Gowriker and Movies by Farhan Akthar; Rakesh Roshan also makes better movies compared to others...

Bollywood is crap!!! The only good thing about hindi movies are the actors/actresses wear very good clothes other than that they have a very poor taste in everything (Kareena, Uday Kapoor, Rani Mukherjee (who is ok but am so bored to see her in the same kind of roles again and again), Vivek Oberoi and many more are just proof of this).

Telugu movies do not fall far behind hindi movies, they are as much bad as these movies but atleast they usually have some good comedy backing up the movie... All of Chiranjeevi's recent movies are awful; That Raghavendra rao is one bad director who made big... only God knows why... In the recent days, most of telugu movies have took a huge step down from quality movies except for directors like Chandrasekhar yeleti, Sekhar Kamula, Krishna Vamsi (just a few movies are good by KV) and ofcourse Ram Gopal Varma (who seems to lose his edge too these days)... Then there are the dubbed movies by Mani Ratnam! Never been a fan of Shankar, he concentrates too much in the "Wow" factor than the story!

Will continue with the list when I have more time....

Books I hate

I love reading books, all kinds of them... But I just wanna start a list of all the books I hate and then move on to the books I really like...

Time and Again ~ The most stupid book I have ever read, a guy with no sense of the past, no compassion for other people, full of crap... Never read this book unless u r looking for something to laugh at.

All of Sidney Sheldon books ~ I think he is one of those guys, the society hyped up but he is exactly the opposite... I find his books very boring and totally unreal. His books always have the same theme... A woman who started from a small place, does something bad to become a big person and there will be two men in her life, one who loves her and the other one who is out to kill her... Same old story...

Usually I really like John Grisham's books but the last one I read 'The Testament' was a total No-No! I never really expected him to do such a bad job but I guess everyone has a right to do one disaster! The books I like of John Grisham are 'A time to kill', 'The Rainmaker', 'The Street Lawyer', 'The Chamber', 'The Broker' and 'The Innocent Man'.

Alistair Mclean and Michael Crichton are my all time favorites and my favorite books of these authors are 'The Guns of Navarone', 'The Golden Rendezvous', 'Force 10 from Navarone', 'Puppet on a chain', 'The Great Train Robbery', 'Rising Sun', 'Timeline', 'Next' and 'State of Fear'. I know, a lot more to read...

Hungry Man vs Hungry Woman

Has anyone seen the new ad in which some 3-5 women would stop eating some boring salad and realize "I am hungry"... When I first saw this ad, I was totally intrigued on what they were going to show next... I had my mouth watering even before they showed what the ad was for (I was thinking of a good healthy sub... hmm, actually a sub full of mayo or Chinese)... Alas, The ad was a total disappointment. Finally, the food the women feel contended with is CEREAL.

They show a revolution where finally the women decide to eat something to fill their stomach (Rather the society's misconception that women should eat less to be called women) and this is what they are going to eat. And when you see the "I am a hungry man" ad or the ad for hungry men who go to eat at Burger King and leave their women to eat food the size of my thumb, aren't the words "UNFAIR" shouted out loud?

We always see women who are anorexic, how come we never see men starving themselves to feel good about themselves. In reality, men eat food with lots of proteins to build sexy muscles while women are supposed to starve themselves to have a dainty figure. Actually, I think there are quite enough men who would want a woman who looks fit and healthy rather than a woman who can be blown away by wind. (Nah, I am not talking about men who don't have a mind of their own or too stupid to enjoy the real beauty in this world).

And that leads to the question, Are women women's own enemies? I have seen quite a lot of girls who don't eat food and discourage other girls to not have a healthy meal. And again, there are the celebrities who starve themselves to look lean and elegant while their boyfriends have huge stomachs.

Of course, when a girl is looking for a guy... her priorities would be "Intelligent, Humorous, Honest" and when a guy is looking for a girl, his priorities would be "Hot, Attractive, Good looking"...

Its high time girls take charge of their food... And stop letting people think that women don't like food and they are not human beings (women are supposed to eat like birds, small bites, less food...) Eat, eat, eat all you want... Want to burn calories? Workout!!! It will give you some muscles which looks way more sexier than a body which looks like a broom stick!!!

And a message to guys, never judge a woman's body/weight before looking at your own belly... And its good news for committed guys, if you stop judging their weight, they will stop asking you the most annoying question "Do I look fat/Have I gained on pounds??" And to guys/gurls who happen to have a well toned body, Stop making fun of fat people!!! You and I both know you have a fit body because you are just lucky and happen to have a body with good metabolism unlike some of the unlucky people who happen to gain 10 times the weight even though both of you happen to eat the same food!!!


Venkatesh pretty much sucks!

The telugu version of the movie "Gharshana" features Venkatesh and if anyone is ready to genuinely judge his acting, you know he is good at comedy but not so good when it comes to a role like in Gharshana! I was just watching this song 'Nanne Nanne"... Gawd, he is awful! Am really feeling bad for Surya who was the original hero in the tamil version (who happens to be an awesome actor)... Venkatesh is just not the guy to portray the same role as Surya! And I am not even that big a fan of Surya.

Didn't anyone tell him that attitude and style is more than just acting like a big dude? But of course, I prefer the telugu movie rather than the tamil movie... coz the actress dies in the tamil version, which maybe the worst that can happen to anyone! That and losing your best friend!

Anways, Venkatesh, Chiranjeevi and Nagarjuna as they grow older have been choosing the worst movies (Remember the good ol' movies like Siva, Chantabbai, Kshanakshanam, Apathbandhuvudu, Rudra Veena... ) Wat happened to all these actors?? Why don't they even try to act in some quality movies?? Its just really unfortunate that they have a huge fan following and whatever movie they may act in will get the producers back their money. So, all the directors who work with them will worry more about the introduction scene of the actor than the screenplay. Even the next generation kids, especially Ram charan teja should have tried to break out of the usual annoying movies his father made. But they made Maghadheera and it was a hit with lots of awards. I still didn't stop scratching my head about it. Rana may have done a first good movie but I will wait a little more to judge him, he is doing a puri jaganadh movie... what I can say, another hypocrite who believes to show the actor as a hero, he should give the woman he loves a tight slap, maybe two... if a "HERO" isn't a humanbeing, I don't know what he is! Shri Ram Das is as dirty and perverted as all of Raghavendra Rao's movies, I hope somebody puts him away. His son on the other hand, made a very interesting/good movie and is making another one now... hope he stays in the sensible league. Sharvanand lucky where he doesn't have to follow anybody's footsteps have been doing some really good movies... Love the new set of directors too like Radhakrishna and Dev Katta!

Anyways, Except for the new directors Chandra Sekhar Eleti, Sekhar Kammula... Telugu industry has gone bad!!!

RGV was awesome before but now he moved to Hindi film industry and haven't made any good impact in the telugu industry recently. I love his comedies more than anything.

Some of my favorite telugu movies are Ghayam, Siva, Aithe, Godavari, All of Jandhyala movies... hmmm, I never tend to remember when I am supposed to!!! Will update later!!!

Greyhound Romance!

Been travelling on grey hound bus a lot since the past two months. Seen a lot fo things and talked to many people and ofcourse the common question one would ask the other is about their reason for travel... Most of these usually will have an important reason to travel like interview, work, flight to catch from another place... My favorite is ofcourse, where these people go on greyhound to meet their boyfriend/girlfriends. (I would speicifically say 'Greyhound' becoz these buses are worser than our indian buses.)

The last time I travelled, a guy sat next to me who offered me some candy and I offered him peanuts... We started talking and I found out his story... A few weeks after opening a new account in "Myspace", a gurl sent him a friend request who he later realised was an old gurlfriend from school, they started talking on the phone... planned to meet for a week and he travelled for 25 hrs on greyhound to go to her place. The sparks flew, he ended up staying for 25 days!!! He was already a father of two and she is a mother of one. She is working as a fire fighter/cop, am not sure what he does but am sure he is into drugs (the cop in her will probably rein him soon)! The best part is when they parted, they decided to move in together in January!!! I really hope everything goes well for them!!!

Many other people like this guy travels on greyhound for hours to meet their loved ones!!! Its not just young (hot-blooded) people, everyone try to find some romance in their life!!! It doesn't matter how far they will go but still taking a risk to find romance in their life is guess what matters to them!!!

Free Yourself!

I was searching for something on the net and I found this quote. It was from a book "The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom (A Toltec Wisdom Book)" by Don Miguel Ruiz. After I saw this quote I wanted to read the book ASAP. The quote is,

"Don’t Take Anything Personally. Nothings others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions of others, you won’t be the victim of needless suffering.”

A very good friend of mine sent me a mail recently (which probably is going to be the best mail anyone has ever sent me.) He just reminded me about "Dominique" from Fountainhead (Pretty surprising that he used my favorite book to talk about this). I just remembered how much I am missing on life by crying over all these fools who talk crap on my back (People who don't know anything about me) instead of smiling over how proud I am of my life and the person I am; and ofcourse, all the beautiful people in my life and how much they love me. I hope this is the point where "this" Dominique has crossed her fear of the world and be free for the rest of her life!!!

I remember when I started this blog, I didn't care about anything and wrote whatever I wanted to!!! And then, a day came when I just got freaked out of all the words I heard and actually started deleting some of them to avoid something worser. Not anymore, My life... My freedom!!!

Thanks a lot Deepu for the mail. Ofcourse, the transition will take sometime but I will reach that point!!! Thanks a lot man!!!

Imperfect Life!

I hate this world. I hate everything about this world. I wish I don't have to spend another moment in this fucked up world.

Everything in this life is irrational and unfair. Castes, Wars, Politics, Cruelty, Backstabbing... the world is full of shit!!!

I will as always get only too personal if I go further but I just wanna shout out loud "I hate this fucked up world"... "I hate the unfair rules in this society"!!!

Lil Surprises!

At the end of the day its not the big things but those simple things that make us feel content in life. Ofcourse, the big things excite us in life... like getting accepted in our favorite school, getting a promotion, our paper being accepted by some journal... blah, blah, blah!!! But still the simple things in life like Getting a call from someone when we least accept it (Ofcourse, I am talking about people who we would like to talk to, not the other way), Just chit chatting with our best friend about silly things, Eating at our favorite restaurant... More than what we do, I think its the cause/result of the action that actually brings a smile to our faces. Its more like something really big happens in our life and we immediately call/meet our loved ones and tell them about one of the best moments of our life (and we don't even have to think about the time or anything, we know the other person is just as happy as we are about this). And to just imagine that we don't have such a person in our life, it spoils everything... not having anyone to tell about our achievements/loss, that's wat kills the happiness about those so called big things. Ofcourse, we would never know that feeling. We always have all these people around who just seem like they have dedicated their entire lives to us, Our patient parents, our trustworthy friends and many others.

Ofcourse, this blog doesn't mean anything... Just more of my silly thoughts!!! :)


"Scent of a woman" ~ One of the most awesome movies ever... I can't talk about it coz watever I may say will never protray the true sense of the movie... Its just an awesome movie...

I named the topic as "Choice" for obvious reasons...

Some of the best quotes in the movie, (From different sources online)

Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Well, gentlemen, when the shit hits the fan, some guys run and some guys stay

Lt. Col. Frank Slade: The day we stop lookin', Charlie, is the day we die.

Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Out of order, I show you out of order. You don't know what out of order is, Mr. Trask. I'd show you, but I'm too old, I'm too tired, I'm too fuckin' blind. If I were the man I was five years ago, I'd take a FLAMETHROWER to this place! Out of order? Who the hell do you think you're talkin' to? I've been around, you know? There was a time I could see. And I have seen. Boys like these, younger than these, their arms torn out, their legs ripped off. But there isn't nothin' like the sight of an amputated spirit. There is no prosthetic for that. You think you're merely sending this splendid foot soldier back home to Oregon with his tail between his legs, but I say you are... executin' his soul! And why? Because he's not a Bairdman. Bairdmen. You hurt this boy, you're gonna be Baird bums, the lot of ya. And Harry, Jimmy, Trent, wherever you are out there, FUCK YOU TOO!

Lt. Col. Frank Slade: I don't know if Charlie's silence here today is right or wrong; I'm not a judge or jury. But I can tell you this: he won't sell anybody out to buy his future!

Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Haven't you heard? CONSCIENCE is daihed.
Charlie Simms: No, I haven't heard.
Lt. Col. Frank Slade: Well, then, take the fuckin' WAX outta your ears! GROW UP! It's fuck your buddy. Cheat on your wife. Call your mother on Mother's Day. Charlie, it's all shit.

"I can tell ya this, he won't sell anybody out to buy his FUTURE, and that, my friends, is called integrity - that's called courage- now that's the stuff leaders SHOULD be made of."

"Now I have come to the crossroads in my life. I always knew what the right path was. Without exception, I knew, but I never took it. You know why? It was too damn hard. Now here's Charlie. He's come to the crossroads. He has chosen a path. It's the right path. It's a path made of principle that leads to character. Let him continue on his journey. You hold this boy's future in your hands committee. It's a valuable future. Believe me. Don't destroy it. Protect it. Embrace it. It's gonna make ya proud one day, I promise you"

Don't miss this movie... Too good to ignore!!!

My own prejudices

There are some qualities in every person about which they have mixed feelings about. My silly quality is my attitude towards 'Narrow Minded' people. I am very 'Narrow Minded' about 'Narrow Minded' people... I just can't stand people who look at life through a tiny hole... And then again, I am being the exact same to these people... I can't accept them as human beings, that's my error but do I wanna change it about me?? No way!!!

The stories I hear or my experiences with all these people are just hilarious... And even their degree of prejudices vary to a great extent... They will be biased about some things but something very simlar to the same things (which obviously they will be doing it)... they will be ok with it... Oof, Got sick of all this!!!

Good luck dudes/dudettes... Can't say anything more but pls stop picking on me... Don't u have more important things to do in life!!! Fuck off!!!


This is an extension of my previous blog, 'Trust'...

We have a society around us, a group of people whose lives are intertwined with our own lives. A society would have been 'Lovely' had it not been the narrow mindedness of people. A narrow minded person does not accept another person who has different perceptions about life as one of them, they are outcast, gossiped about, dissected in everyway possible.

I saw a family a few weeks back, a typical Indian family. They have come to visit their children in US, and what hit me strange about them is their constant rambling and complaints about American culture. They had a problem with 'Americans smiling at them when they passed by' (What! They like frowns and scorns on people's faces), problem with the word 'Eggplant', problem with the whole of American culture. People!!! Who the hell asked them to come to US or send their children to US when they have such a big problem with this lifestyle??? Oh, we need all the money we can get for our RA/TAs, big jobs, money from american economy but we
won't even try to respect them... just because their culture is different from ours.

There are so many beautiful things in this world, so many... but people get pleasures only from the worser things of life. Believe me, 90% of the things which they find bad are not even bad, they are just different from what they think. They just can't stand it, People loooooooooooooove gossip, aah, hearing about another person's bad qualities is like honey to them. It just makes them feel so good about themselves. God only knows why!!! The truth is unimportant,
only the bigger the issue, the better.

Every person has their own dictionary of right and wrong - Principles are not important in life but making sure we never hurt another person and respecting every person's perceptions of life are what is important.

I know a girl once, very long ago - she was more than straightforward and at that age, when I first met her I just didn't like her but with time, gradually as I got to know her better, I realised
that she is one of the most humane persons I ever met. She was very strong and very unconventional, so indifferent to the people around her. She was amazing, not because she was unconventioanl but because she didn't suck up to anyone, she didn't try to impress anyone but still she was so nice, in her own way. When will people learn to be more like her, to shed away their masks and be what they are. And more importantly, love and accept people as they

Giving pain to another person is the biggest evil - Deceiving a person who trusts us to death, being plain rude to another person, saying things we ourselves would never be able to hear, all this and more, pain kills a person........... slowly, it kills everything. I, myself have not been able to stay away from this evil. Many times, some knowingly and some unknowingly, I brought pain to some people's lives.

People are never going to change, not for a long time... Life will always stay unfair!!!Hehehe... Another question is why am I wasting my time worrying about these people?? Why don't I just
forget about them? ;) I try to see the beauty of life and ignore the ugliness beside it. But still, all our lives are so closely related to one another, I just can't run away from it. How much I may try to close my eyes, there's always something which would force my eyes to open and look at this dreadful world. The anger wells up and I write this blog just to forgive them, just to forgive myself, so that I can forget all about it and again 'Give attention to the beautiful things of life'.

Till then,


The spark in a person's eye when he is doing something he loves ... that's "Passion". One of the most beautiful things in this world, something that's still worth living for.

Be it, an artist giving a thousand strokes on a plain paper, a musician creating a beautiful melody from noise, an architect erecting a building on a bare land, a mathematician building an equation out of space, a person looking at someone he/she loves, or just a person's passion for a simple thing called 'Life' - the life and glint we see in their eyes makes us see the meaning of 'Living'.

"Nothing great in the world has ever been accomplished without passion." - Hebbel

The sole purpose of human beings is "To Live, With Passion", it maybe just 16 yrs or 60 yrs, the length doesn't matter - what we have done with it is all that counts. We see it everyday in the people around us, only we fail to observe.

"Men hate passion, any great passion"....I have just started reading THE book "Fountain Head" and I already find myself helplessly falling in love with 'Howard Roark'. He is ready to lose everything just to stay honest to his love for architecture. In the real world, I don't know whether I will ever find a Roark but I would like to feel/see this passion - atleast a part of what he felt.

Losing oneself in the waves of love is the best thing that can happen to a human being. We may drown in this whirlpool, the result doesn't matter. We may lose everything but just the ecstacy of unleashing ourselves in the warmth of love makes the difference...

My father spends all day and all nite at work (He's a civil engineer) and still when he gets a little time to go out with his family, he takes us to his work place, hehehe, that is where we spend all our weekends. It doesn't matter to him whether he is constructing a building, developing a park or a sewage treatment plant, whatever work he does - he puts his whole heart into it. And often, more than often, he forgets he has a family. He has lost so much, had to put up with horrible fights, came to a point where he was going to lose everything but he still goes on...

Every person's work is a piece of art in his own context, however small or insignificant it may be, as long as it has love in it. I have seen many of my friends occupied in their work and I see their thoughts evolving into visibility - for instance, creating a greeting card for a loved one, cooking, writing a blog ;) ... anything and their proud look after everything... Aah, "PASSION"

"Nothing is as important as passion. No matter what you want to do with your life, be passionate." - Jon Bon Jovi

First things - Past

Remember your first day in US, first date, first time before a computer, first kiss, first child, first day in your college, first love........., all the things you did for the first time in your life.

The excitement we feel for all these first times takes us to the top of the world. Everything looks so perfect, nobody/nothing can dampen our spirits at that point. Past can neither be changed nor be felt again. That is the beauty of first things, it can never happen again and it would be either perfect or completely wrong, there is no changing that moment/day/period.

In the movie 'Fifty first dates', Drew Barrymoore keeps repeating "There's nothing like a first kiss", it is so true. There's nothing like a first time. People soon become indifferent to the very things which took them off their feet when it happened for the first time. That's life. Its no wonder that people who have been through too many wrong relationships become indifferent or rather scared of love/relationships.

Imagination plays a big role in this excitement. Rather than the action, the thought of doing the action itself lifts our spirits. As life goes on, there will be very few 'first time' things left in our life to do. That is why people are scared of getting old, not bcoz they lose the energy in their body but bcoz they lose the energy in their mind.

Past can never be fogotten, it is what made us the people we are. History is everything, it happened bcoz it is to be remembered. We never know what happens in the future but we can always be proud of that one day when we lived a life. We can always smile coz there were days when life was beautiful, the days when we knew what true happiness was. We never know whether there is a tomorrow in our life but we always know there was a yesterday and we did something for the first time on that day,

Real Hero

I watched 'Rules -Pyar Ka Superhit Formula' like 5-6 times, one of my favorite movies. I guess its almost every girl's fantasy movie. Who wouldn't want a handsome hunk (who can cook) as their boyfriend?? I certainly wouldn't mind dating Milind Soman ;)

But other than in my fantasies, would I really want to date a celebrity who makes a living out of their good looks?? NO WAY!!!

Actually, the movie implies it in a very subtle manner. (The guy doesn't want to live his whole life modelling but wanna start a restaurant.) The girl has a huge crush on him and things start happening and later she breaks up with him understanding that it was all a silly crush. (Ofcourse later, she realizes that after getting to know him better, she actually fell in love with him). Now, that's an awesome fairytale.

In real life, the relationship would stop as soon as one gets to know the real person becoz most (I am not saying everone but most) of these celebrities are self-centered (most probably about their looks) and superficial. They think they are some supernatural humanbeings and they think the whole world revolves around their lives. (ofcourse, we are at fault for that) For me, a supernatural human being would be some guy who had been a hero in war (who sacrificed his life to save other lives), a doctor (not the corporate doctors but the ones who work in remote villages) or just a simple man who makes the world a better place to live in (in his own small way).But these celebrities are the highest paid (everywhere in the world) and we look up at them like princes from fairyland.

Funny how life just gets more and more superficial every new day!!! God save us!!!


The sensual feeling of droplets of water dripping on our skin, slowly soothing away the stress, instantly making us forget about everything in our life. All we can feel is our senses on fire.

When I go under the shower, I forget time, I forget myself, I forget about everything. I spend hours and hours in the shower, just standing, feeling the water flow from my head to toe. Aah, Water, just plain water, how many wonders it can make??

I think that the most beautiful thing about nature is 'Rain' and every form of rain like snow, dew, fog. I just love standing in the rain, I just want to "Open my arms to the sky and let go of myself".

Ofcourse, the other beautiful thing in nature is 'The Beach', its another stimulation of our senses. God, I miss the beach in Visakhapatnam.

God is really so mysterious in his ways. He creates water, the most beautiful thing in this world and he creates oceans, whirlpools in which ships sink into, people die. God creates hurricanes, when you look at them you will be in awe of it but the destruction it creates, the number of people it kills is just devastating. God is so funny,

However dangerous water maybe, people still can't stay away from them. There are a quite number of deaths where people have died just having fun in the water. People spend millions of dollars for houses on the beach, for vacations on the coastal regions. That's the beauty of water.

Water, Rain, Snow, Fog, Clouds.......... Whatever the form maybe, water stimulates our senses to the highest degree.


The most important ingredient of all relationships - of human existence. Then why is it we don't use this ingredient in all our relationships. We meet atleast one new person every day and it may not turn into a great friendship but some kind of relationship does start, it maybe 'Respect', 'Attraction', 'Dislike' or whatever but still some kind of impression originates in our tiny little heart for a person,

But what about trust??? For most of the people, it takes not just days, months but years to trust someone. Why is it? There were days when people believed in 'Honor', 'Truth', 'Self-Integrity' etc but now, all we see are liars and dishonest people. How can we distinguish between them?

I read a story when I was a kid. A great man was going on a journey on a lonely road on his horse and on the way he sees a man lying down on the road calling for help. He stops and climbs down from the horse and when he goes near the sick man, the sick man shows a knife at him (or whatever weapon he had) , robs the man of all his belongings and start to leave on the man's horse. This man calls the robber and asks him for a favour - "Please don't tell what happened here to anyone otherwise someday, a man who really needs help will be left alone since people will believe he is a thief too".

That is one of the most inspiring stories I have ever read. There's a saying "Its ok to set free a 100 murderers but never, ever accuse an innocent person".

I agree that it is hard to follow this moral but isn't it the minimum credit we can give to a honest person who had hit nothing but walls all his life. A dishonest man lives in the shell of a lie and he is so well protected by this hard core shell. A honest person, whose views maybe so unconventional to others but he still exposes himself to these high winds, just because he believes in the truth and society tortures that person, kills everything that is in him, puts him up for judgment.................... When do people start understanding the fact that 'Scandalizing the negative qualities in another person would in no way help them purify their own character'. Gossip, Backbiting, what do they serve in this life???

All my life, I have lived in my own fantasy world of 'Love and Hope'. I do make judgments (I should change that too) but I atleast don't start it off with 'I don't trust you' attitude - This is not to give more opportunities to the dishonest people but as a tribute to the 'decent' group. People don't have to be a 'Mother Theresa' to serve this world but a little decency in life, a little truth, a little humanity. I have seen many of my friends lose trust with the whole of mankind, distrust their own friends... Why? Their innocence had been abused by so many assholes(Sorry but this word does suit them) that they can do nothing but distrust everyone and anyone to protect themselves from getting hurt again and again. You can see me clenching my teeth when I write this blog and so will you if you had been through all this,

To err is human!

"To err is human" - This is one statement has a major contribution in the destruction of the character of almost every human being. Many people forget that this statement is incomplete with the line "To forgive is divine". This idiom was started to insinuate the significance of the 'Forgiveness' in human beings, not to justify all the errors in human beings.

Every mistake done by a person is followed by the line 'To err is human' and that mistake is forgiven/forgotten and in due time, committed again. God...

Of course, every person keeps committing mistakes in life but it shouldn't be justified by thinking that it is a usual process and every person keeps committing these type of mistakes, so its ok to lie, to betray someone, to hurt another person, to steal etc etc etc. No person is perfect, only with experience does any person learn about the truth in life but the problem with people is, nobody wants to learn from their mistakes. They rather look for excuses, stupid reasons to cover up their mistakes. Oof, this human world is sometimes, hmmm, no, not sometimes, almost always, is silly.

Parents themselves teach their children to live in this world by breathing and eating cruelty and deceit. They would justify it by saying that they love their children so much that they don't want their children to get hurt. I definitely understand their desire to see their children happy but they are killing the very innocence that defines a child and making them into a monster. The
child that was born no longer exists. 'Home is where the education starts' and all these kids learn the great ways of stabbing other people in the back, come to school with their lunch boxes - learn more about living life from their teachers (Don't even make me start about those great teachers - they are the main culprits of this stinking society) and by the time they are out of high school, they are experts in buttering up the right persons, suppressing the few remaining innocent people and inventing new ways each day to pull themselves higher up in the 'human' society.

If atleast for one generation, every kid is taught the real values of life... I can only dream of such a world. Ofcourse, there are lots of exceptions. Many people learn about life on their own and try to visualize life beyond the boundaries. But the problem there's a very small percentage of that group in this world and they are not talked about in the newspapers, they aren't interviewed in the television; People who live a life for themselves, they answer all their actions only to themselves; People who know the value of being a human being...

The only reason this tiny percentage of people exist is they have used their own mind and made their own decisions instead of following the fucking society. They drew the lines between right and wrong ~ Listened to their hearts, learnt from their experiences...

I have no last lines for this post, I can never understand this society!!!